Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Election: 2016--Can't we Agree to Disagree?

I usually shy away from writing about politics, but this current election year "takes the cake". This is NOT a blog post about a specific candidate, but more about the whole process. Holy Cow I have seen so much mud slinging, accusations and digging up dirt that it is hard to decipher the issues before us that truly should be at the forefront of this campaign.
(Cartoon:by Daryl Cagle in The Mercury News)

As I write these words I can't help but wonder : why do I  hesitate to write them and why so many people say: "Oh, I don't discuss politics."  Lately, it has sadly come to a point in this country that the adult discussion of issues that face our country frequently turns divisive and down right ugly.  It saddens me that sometimes it is that way. This country is based upon and proud of our right to free speech, but with that comes respect to different opinions. Theoretically, isn't that why the two party system exists in the first place? To establish a give and take of ideas and come up with solutions that work for the whole of society?  Additionally, of course, the system of "checks and balances" has it's rightly place. Instead we seem to have created a system that divides the country instead of unifying it.

My Mom, a woman who has voted in her fair share of elections, actively keeps abreast of the issues. Recently, she has become disheartened by the fact that we can't seem to discuss issues from a non-partisan viewpoint. The Republican and Democratic viewpoints of partisan politics serve to divide us, tear us apart and make it nearly impossible to get anything done. She advises that when you come across a person that is dead set in their opinions, don't push it.  Chances are you won't be able to change their viewpoint by way of a heated debate. Just walk away and say have a good day. However, if in a discussion you meet someone who says, "I don't know that much about that...can you tell me more?" Let the conversations begin. Good advice Mom

Just this morning I heard on the news of some demonstrators on Michigan Ave. in Chicago, outside Trump Tower,  picketing against Donald Trump's treatment of women.  The "Pro" Trump team joined the "discussion" and police were called to the scene.  Luckily no one was hurt, but it was shocking to me that the language and behavior was so disturbing that WGN Chicago news waited until things settled down before they covered they story. (hats off to you WGN, good call) The graphic language and choice of words used by the protesters was claimed by them to be in the same vein of how Donald Trump treats and speaks to women. Granted, he does not have a good track record on that. Well....even so, do two wrongs make a right? I personally would not lower my standards, or the way I speak,  just to make a point.  Has it seriously become that nasty that even the television news media have decided to back off. Wow.

With respect to the current election, and as I grapple to make an informed choice for our next President, it seems like a crap shoot.  Akin to betting on a horse race: close your eyes, hope for the best and it will soon be over. In that respect, I can really relate to Marge Simpson. Our family is an adamant follower of The Simpsons. So much truth and joy can be found by those little cartoon characters. Simple and naive, yes, but Marge said it best:"Can't I just bet that all the horses will have a fun time?"
We are a long way from considering the 2016 election "fun", but my hope is that we can at least try to treat our fellow Americans with civility, even if we don't see eye to eye.  It is hard road to travel, but this process would be easier and it would not be such a bitter pill to swallow every four years.

There are no easy solutions, but I think a very good start is within your own town and within your own circle of friends, family, co-workers.  Try to listen respectfully to each other and it certainly is OK to disagree in a civil manner with each other. Didn't your mother teach you that?.... mine did.

The Magic in Mentoring

 I really wish I had a mentor. I could use some  technical assistance and at least some moral support on my current project.  I am in the pr...