Saturday, May 22, 2021

The 3 C's of Stress Relief: Clarity, Calm and Courage

 Let's face it...everybody has stress in their life. No matter what your profession, station in life or age...we all have to deal with stressful, complicated circumstances. Things change in our life, but how we learn to cope with stress and weather the changes is so important. It is also different for each and every person.

I am currently dealing with some stressful situations in my life and learning to cope with the situation has produced for me a mantra of sorts to help me keep focused on what is important:Clarity, Calm, Courage. I know that the concept of using mantras for meditation is a traditional Buddhist concept but I think the cross-over to guided Christian prayer is a good connection.  Sometimes I don't know how to pray for help, but I know that using this mantra has helped me not only stay focused, but help reduce my stress levels. 

And with a history of depression and bi-polar episodes, I know quite a bit about monitoring and helping to diminish my own stress levels. People need to be able to gauge their own body signals and determine when they are getting close to the "tipping point." I like to think I have learned to do this for myself and have established ways to manage stress. Reminds me of one of my favorite Eleanor Roosevelt quotes:

A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water.” 

The 3 C's mantra is just the latest technique that I have developed for my arsenal. Sometimes good things come out of pressure and stressful situations. There is a preponderance of information about mantras, meditation and using them to provide clarity and mental well being. I found some information that helps to back up my supposition of  the benefits of using mantras. Yet, as you can imagine there is so much information that it would not fit into the limitations of one blog. I picked one of my personal favorites to highlight: Om Shanti. 

Om Shanti is perhaps one of the most well known and accessible mantras used today. So, what does Om Shanti mean? There’s actually no direct translation for Om Shanti. That’s because Om isn’t so much as a word as it is a sound, a feeling, and an energetic resonance.So, what about Shanti? Well, Shanti is a Sanskrit word that means, “Peace.” Together, the phrase: Om Shanti is meant to convey: Universal Peace.The use of mantras is beneficial, so I came up with my own: Clarity, Calm and Courage in helping me brave the stress of recent events. It has helped me immensely. 

That first word is so important:CLARITY. So many times a complicated issue just needs time for the dust to settle and solutions can present themselves if given time and quiet speculation. This powerful word of "clarity" first was presented to me by some lovely ladies in my Bible study group. (Thanks Lisa and Nancy) I am so thankful for the clarity and caring that I receive from this group.

The next word is CALM This is where the concept of deep breathing, relaxation techniques and meditation comes in. My first exposure to learning how to "breath" was in Lamaze classes so many years ago. In through the nose, and slowly out through pursed lips. It helped me in giving birth and still helps me to relax today. With the inhale and exhale it has been beneficial to me to visualize a word to help with the cleansing and relaxation process.  I heard in a sermon a few weeks ago about using the word GRACE on the inhale to "take in God's grace" and exhale with "GIVING" your burdens to God. It really is quite healing and relaxing should try it.

COURAGE is what brings you the strength to put one foot in front of the other and face the challenges before you.  I am mindful of an inspirational saying prominently displayed on a magnet on my fridge: "Courage does not always roar. sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying. "I will try again tomorrow".  (Mary Anne Radmacher) My friend Joan gave it to me several years ago and it truly is an inspiration to me...Thanks Joan! 

Yet courage for me also is sharing these thoughts in a blog. Sometimes perhaps it feels a bit self-serving and in some ways that is true. Writing for me is therapy. Yet, I sincerely hope that in sharing these thoughts, someone will feel encouraged and inspired as to help them with the stresses in their life. Just remember....don't forget to breath deeply and things will eventually work out. Perhaps not the way you envisioned, but, This too shall Pass......Use the 3 C's to help you on the Journey.

Julie E. Smith

The Magic in Mentoring

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