Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The Joy Of Sex.....I mean the Joy of the "To Do" List .....

 Oh, now that I have your attention....there is a wonderful satisfaction from making a list and completing everything on said list.  Granted it may not be as great as sex but there is wonderful sense of accomplishment when I successfully complete my list.  Admit it...if you saw a title of a blog just about List Making....ho-hum..but Sex always sells. Maybe they should make grocery lists with provocative pictures. That would liven up the trip to the store for a sometimes mundane task.

Nevertheless, I am a strong believer in the power of To Do lists.  First and foremost the most obvious advantage is that it organizes your thoughts and helps prioritize what really needs to be done and what can be postponed.  Then a list creates a sense of accomplishment when you can cross each task off the list. Even if our list is comprised of tasks that you do every week, it feels like getting a pat on the back when you cross "Clean bathrooms" off the list.  And if by some miracle you complete the whole list? Victory!! Throw it out and start the cycle again for next week.  I say next week, because I think it is a whole lot easier to do weekly lists. Even though my husband and I are not in the traditional 9 to 5 routine, it became ingrained in my psyche to do the bulk of the household chores and projects on the weekends. Back in the day when I worked 40 hours a week, many things were saved for the weekend...hence the weekend list. Funny how things like that stick with you over time. I probably wouldn't think of vacuuming or cleaning the bathrooms on a day other than Saturday. I know...kinda weird.  Sometimes we are creatures of habit. However, I bet I am not the only one who enjoys the functionality and goal setting joys of list making!

Some folks use their phones for lists...Not me, no way...I love the simple joy of taking pen to paper. I have oodles of notepads around the house and I never hesitate to buy more. It is truly amazing that any place you travel, little gift shops have souvenir notepads to help as a remembrance of your journey. How lovely it is to write "Dust Living Room" against the backdrop of the majestic mountains of Glacier National Park. So lovely to remember trips when you use a notepad for routine tasks.  I even was given  a notepad from Greece from when my Sister-in-Law visited there. Thanks Christy!

A sampling of a few favorites....
A sampling of a few of my favorites

So an article in Forbes magazine about time management (published 0n 7/20/20 by Kevin Leyes, Forbes Business Council) lists the top 9 ways for efficient time management. While trying not to sound too smug....just guess what was at the top of the list: "Prepare a task list." Here is the excerpt from that article that confirms my assertion and lets me know that I'm not obsessive....just trying to get my life organized. It also has some helpful pointers:

"1. Prepare a task list. Whether daily or weekly, preparing a task list will help you identify all the activities you need to accomplish or situations you need to solve. Every morning before you start the day, go through your list and try to adjust your time for each item. Making this list will make it easier for you to outline the tasks assigned for the day and plan to get them done. Eventually, you can get into the habit of spending a healthy amount of time on work."

I will say that as a writer I have suffered from writers block and perhaps it seems lame, but I am starting to feel all my list making counts as writing. Why not? It allows my mind to focus on tasks that need attending to and many times working on my blogs or ideas for my next book is often on my To Do List. And when it's on my list....by golly it gets done. Finishing this blog was on my list, guess that helped me "Git er done!" (author's note:must be spoken with Texas drawl)  Perhaps the book wouldn't be completely done by the end of the list, but work on it would transpire.  All Hail the Power of the List!

The Magic in Mentoring

 I really wish I had a mentor. I could use some  technical assistance and at least some moral support on my current project.  I am in the pr...