Sunday, November 29, 2015

Get Your "Back to Nature" Fix!~Visit a close by State Park

Depending on where you live in this great Nation of ours, you may or may not be relatively close to one of our beautiful National Parks.  Fear not, the State parks hold many wonderful treasures that frequently mirror the beauty and splendor of their "big Brother" National Parks.  Sometimes state parks are overlooked as a travel destination, but not only are they more readily accessible they frequently deliver a fantastic travel experience and if you are within your own state...a sense of civic pride surfaces enjoying what wonders are found in your very own Homeland. It's amazing to think that in the United States, there are over 7,000 state parks.  In my home state alone, Illinois, there are sixty. Now that's quite a few parks to choose from.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The "Process Art" in Scrapbooking

I bet every Scrapbooker out there occasionally experiences this feeling: there is a good chance that the bulk of their finished product will go unnoticed, not shared with others and literally collect dust on the shelf. Trust me, I have felt this way many times and can't help but wonder if some of the albums that I spent hours creating won't really be looked at until after I am 6 feet under.  Sounds a bit macabre I know, and I am not trying to feel sorry for myself, just realistic.
So after all these years, why do I continue to Scrapbook? Simply put: I enjoy it...the whole process as much as the end result.
Creativity inspired: Tools of the Trade

The Magic in Mentoring

 I really wish I had a mentor. I could use some  technical assistance and at least some moral support on my current project.  I am in the pr...