- Personal Hygiene
- Feeding
- Dressing
- Toileting
- Transferring (The ability to change positions and walk independently)
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Be mindful of your ADL's
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
"A Walk in the Park...Journeys through our Nation's Greatest Treasures" A book profile
As I am taking several different pathways for marketing my recent book, I wanted to provide an overview of it that is easily accessible to be viewed by prospective vendors. I want to provide more information about the book, than what is currently available on the Amazon/KDP site. The book was self-published by Kindle Direct Publishing and can be found on Amazon by typing in the complete title:
"A Walk in the Park...Journeys through our Nation's Greatest Treasures." Julie E. Smith
The book was conceived, in 2016, during the Centennial celebration of the National Park Service. My love of travel and the beauty of our National Parks encouraged me during this time period to pursue visiting many parks on my bucket list. I visited as many as time and finances would allow. I have been to many of the major parks but also a few of the lesser known parks. I did not know, at the start of my explorations, that there is a beautiful National Park in Ohio: Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Check out Chapter 13!
Along the way I have learned so much about the intriguing history of the National Park Service and what makes our system in America so unique. The contributions of men such as Theodore Roosevelt and John Muir were instrumental in preserving the legacy of our Parks.
This book is not meant to be a guidebook of each and every site, but rather an overview with many helpful travel hints on how best to appreciate our National Parks and Sites. I hope it provides an inspiration and invitation to explore. Julie E. Smith
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Sympathy for the Devil
Sympathy for the Devil....totally one of my favorite Stones songs, but also very apropos when I think about current attitudes about Amazon. In many circles, in addition to the literary world, Amazon has been perceived as the devil: slowly eroding away at the fabric of many of our institutions. There are so many love/ hate relationships with this company and there is a whole bevy of topics about this company including employee treatment, putting small companies out of business...and the list goes on and on. However, I want to focus my discussion on the role they have played in the publishing industry.
I was prompted to write this blog after an eye-opening conversation with an independent bookseller whom I was hoping to sell my book in her store. I am much too polite to name the bookstore and publicly take out my frustration: I feel no ill will towards independent booksellers- I wish them success. Yet, after my conversation with her & research on attitudes of other (actually almost ALL independent booksellers) about Amazon/Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) I experienced a whole bevy of emotions starting with an overwhelming feeling of failure. Then my sadness turned to confusion and finally I ended up MAD. Why should I be penalized as an author just because I chose the publishing company that worked best for my needs? Does that diminish in any way the content or quality of my book? I absolutely hate being sucked into the political world of publishing...but lo and behold here I am.
The woman I spoke with was very open to my book and gave me a sheet of instructions on how to submit my book for being sold in her store. I perused the sheet and when I saw the note about "We do not accept books published by any of the Amazon imprints, including Create Space." Well, right then my heart sank and instead of just turning and walking out in a huff....I spoke with her and really tried to understand. I did tell her that I respect their position, but as an author I feel I am being penalized just because of my choice of publisher.
After leaving the store, with my dignity still in tact...I was proud of myself that I did not burst in to tears or start hurling heavy books through their plate glass window. I do honestly empathize for the small independent booksellers and they understandably have a right to feel that Amazon is the big, bad Capitalist Pig preying on those that are just trying to earn a living. I can see both sides of it, but we live in a capitalist country where competition is stiff. Seems to me that many small booksellers have modified their business model to appeal to a local marketplace, and some have been wonderfully successful. I know I am not in the shoes of a book store owner: I am sure they have many war stories to tell. I am just speaking on behalf of the unsung heroes of the literary world: The Authors.
If you are old enough to be part of American consumerism in the 1990's you will remember when Amazon got started in on-line marketing. Before they starting hocking clothing, household supplies, pet supplies and everything else under the sun, their primary focus was on....You guessed it: books. Amazon was founded in 1994 and I guess their success just snowballed from there. In 2000, they founded the publishing company: Create Space. My first 2 books were with Create Space which later changed to KDP. Sometimes it just feels better to go with what you know, so I did not switch publishers. At the time I had no reason to. (Maybe I still don't)
It's interesting to note that as of the writing of this blog, there are currently 2,827 American publishing houses. The number of self-publishing companies is approximately a mere 30, a small number when compared to the traditional route of publishing but nevertheless when you are trying to boil it down to one company to use for publishing your book...the task can seem monumental. Yet, my shock at not being able to market my book in small bookstores makes me ponder if I should switch publishers with my next book? Sometimes I wonder if I would feel "forced" to switch; this was the third book I published via Amazon/Kindle Direct Publishing (Formerly KDP was called Create Space) and I was very pleased with how all of the books looked upon completion. Additionally, I truly appreciate the concept of POD (Print on Demand) so as a novice author I don't have to stock pile huge amounts of books which would also entail a sizable cash outlay. I haven't sold massive amounts of books, but that is not why I write. I write because I love the art of writing. So...if you are interested in my latest book about the National Park Service...you won't find it in a local bookstore, only Amazon:
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Are you a Joiner?
I recently attended the meeting of a local quilt guild and it was such a delight to be in the company of these women that all share the same passion of quilt making and related projects. When I am in the company of very talented quilters I usually am intimidated by their amazing talents, but then I realize we all have to start somewhere. I remember the wisdom of the advice by Warren Buffett:
Yup...I'm a joiner...as are many of my fellow human beings are. The significance of this has really become evident as we still are seeking ways to connect with each other in the era of COVID. It is so refreshing to meet face to face beyond the realm of "Zoom land".
So I was thinking today about all the different groups I belong to and how our group affiliation changes throughout our lifetime. Currently I belong to a church, a women's Bible Study at another church, a craft group, two writer's groups, two National Parks organizations and soon to be a member of a quilting guild. Then I could also mention several on-line groups with my targeted interests and geographic location. The Facebook group for my town has proved to be a very valuable tool for finding everything from which restaurant to choose to the best mechanic. So my predisposition of joining groups fits in with my extroverted personality. So there are those that would prefer to keep to themselves. This reminds me of this clever meme that really brought a chuckle to me while coping through the COVID isolation:
So what groups do you belong to and how have they impacted and changed your life? It's kind of fun to think about and it's also a specific way to define your interests and count your blessings. Sometimes when we stop to think about the characteristics of our personality and interests it helps to provide goals and a framework on how we can improve our participation with those groups.
Our group affiliations definitely change over our lifetime. Probably the first group I joined (that I can remember)was the Girl Scouts. I hold so many fond memories of camping, great songs and believe it or not...I do remember the work and skills I learned working on various merit badges.
Fast forward to college days: my freshman year I joined a social sorority. I have to confess I originally pursued joining a sorority not so much for the camaraderie and the social aspects, but I wanted a nicer place to live than the dorms. I had heard many stories about dorm living and I wanted a better (and er...cleaner..) place to live while I pursued my degree. Although, in hind sight it was a great decision and many of the friendships I forged at my sorority: Alpha Chi Omega have endured. I will be an Alpha Chi for life and I was pleasantly surprised that it became so much more than just a place to live. To this day, I am still in touch with several of my sorority sisters.
Also, during my college days I joined the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi. At the time it was awesome and wonderful training for a career in journalism. I also went to their convention in Washington, D.C. and was truly inspired to plunge into work as a journalist. Well, the path of life takes many turns and I ended up not pursuing a "traditional" role as a journalist. So this is one group membership that I let lapse, however I don't regret my experiences with them.
So life milestones and stages of our life can be marked by the groups to which we belong. One of the biggest shocks for me, feeling like a splash of cold water in my face, was the letter I received stating I was eligible to join AARP. For all you youngsters out there that don't have to even think about this...it stands for the American Association of Retired Persons. Now I needed to rationalize this with the simple thought the requirement for membership in AARP is only 50. Most people don't actual retire until age 65. Still....it made me feel OLD. Nevertheless, I am not knocking AARP. They do great things to help "older" people and I really enjoy the monthly magazine.
I have learned so much from the variety of groups that I have had the pleasure of calling myself a member. My hope is that I can give back and enhance the group in some small way. And how can I forget support groups, they are an important facet to help us with some of the difficulties that life might throw our way. I wanted to end this blog with this great cartoon about support groups. Brought a smile to my day:
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Drop the Knife
It's always great to start a tough topic with humor. Humor really is the best medicine. So when discussing anger management, I enjoyed this cartoon with Helda and her troubles...good thing she is in a support group.
Now I would not take a knife to my leg in frustration from being ignored, but sometimes my frustration from not hearing back from people or getting a response that is not what I expected....well...it makes me go a little bit crazy.
Yet this inward turning anger and resentment has applied to other aspects of my life besides just being frustrated with editors and my writing life. With some of the stresses I have experienced in my life lately: most notably helping my Mom to transition to an assisted living apartment, my frustration that has turned inward only seems to hurt myself. Holding on to anger or frustration, as opposed to honest discussions does not really help any situation, except it only hurts yourself. Just like the insightful Buddhist quote here, such anger usually doesn't accomplish what we anticipate it will.
Also like the Fatal Attraction example, in frustration and bitter resentment I am only hurting myself so I am learning to Drop the Knife. I am learning that. Also sometimes it is good to be ignored...you can find peace. Some personalities, myself included, crave attention and of course I prefer good attention; positive reinforcement. But when the attention is negative...well..that kind of attention is not so widely welcomed. There is a certain level of life experiences that have brought me to the understanding that to be ignored is sometimes a GOOD thing. It can bring you a certain sense of peace and frankly exempt you from some of life's unpleasant circumstances.
When I am stressed, feeling resentment or anger, I do pray for clarity and peace. I collected a few of my "anger management" verses from the Bible in helping me in this endeavor. Here are a few of my favorites:
James 1:19-21 Know this, my beloved brothers: Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
Proverbs 14:29 He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalts folly.
Proverbs 29:11 Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.
This last one is my favorite. There is no denying that we get angry and have resentment, we are only human. Yet working to not give "full vent" to our rage and striving for calm almost always brings a better solution. So I am working on many things in my life to "Drop the Knife" and in doing so, finding a better sense of CALM.
Monday, August 9, 2021
Writer's Block?
I write all the time...I journal all the time...the concept of "Writers Block" for me is somewhat of a fallacy, Yet, the concept for me plays out in a different way: I agonize that what I am writing will be interesting for someone else to read. THAT is my writers block and that is what sometimes causes me to just not write. It also has occurred to me that does it really matter? I find enjoyment in writing so that is why I continue to do it. And I continue to collect interesting memes about writer's block. I'm living it and can relate....
Friday, July 9, 2021
Don't Burn Your Bridges
I have always had an affinity...perhaps a love/hate relationship with bridges. Some are so majestic and marvels of engineering, yet some scare the bejeezus out of me when my fear of heights kicks in. Now I am talking both literal bridges and how bridges are used as idioms. The expression "Don't Burn Your Bridges" often can be good advice. Conversely, I recently heard a new take on that as quoted by Don Henley: "Sometimes you get the best light from a burning bridge". As much as I love the Eagles, if Don Henley said it, then it is poetic and certainly profound. In my current situation, (especially with some of my writing and blogging forays) the light generated from burning some bridges of my past will certainly light the way for new opportunities. I want to take a can of gasoline, douse the bridge, light a match and let 'er rip. Figuratively speaking of course.
Wow, I am already tearing up...so romantic. In any case, back to reality. Some of the most iconic, historic covered bridges are in Madison County Iowa. I had the pleasure of touring them a few years ago and they do possess a certain magical and artistic quality about them; reminiscent of a by-gone era. You can almost hear the click clack of horse's hooves as they pass across the wooden timbers.
The covered bridge style was prevalent when you talk about historic bridges, but I also think about the labor intensive, and impressive bridges that were created using stone as the key element. So many of these long standing structures were created as walkways in many of our National and State Parks. Acadia, in Maine, provides beautiful examples of these impressive stone bridges. From 1915 to 1940 John D. Rockefeller financed, designed and directed the construction of the carriage roads. The roads provided access to the park by horse-drawn carriages and were banned for usage by automobiles. The carriage roads still prohibit automobiles and are treasured by hikers, bikers and horseback riders. The roads include 17 hand-built granite bridges, each a beautiful addition to your travel throughout the park. Here are a few examples from Acadia.
So with John D. Rockefeller as the main financier of the project, it was easy to see how the project was expedited. Back in the early 1900's and carrying through to today's dollars, bridge building can be an expensive and time consuming project. When we first moved to Wisconsin, the St. Croix Crossing Bridge, spanning the St. Croix river between the borders of Minnesota and Wisconsin was just getting ready to open. We moved in March and the bridge opened in August of 2017. It was a huge undertaking and from it's original inception to completion took almost 10 years. It's a bridge that I frequently cross, with a beautiful view. However, that still does not diminish my discomfort; my hands still sometimes have a tighter grip on the steering wheel then is probably necessary. Nevertheless, it is a stunning bridge.
One more bridge for today's blog that requires mention in the awesome bridge category: The Mackinac Bridge or the "Mighty Mack", as the locals call it. It is pretty MIGHTY, and slightly terrifying, spanning 5 miles across the chilly waters of the Straits of Mackinac. It connects the upper peninsula of Michigan to the lower portion of the state. The title of "Mighty Mac" is very fitting: the two towers of the bridge rise an impressive 550 feet high making them easily visible from many sites in the vicinity.
Quite impressive yet to many folks, myself included, it's an intimidating and scary bridge to cross. Especially when occasionally they have had to close the bridge due to high winds...you don't want to get blown off into the water....Yikes. I know the closure is probably only applied to high profile vehicles like semi-trucks, but still...it was sufficient to make me nervous about crossing it. Nevertheless, we survived it...I am still glad my husband drove.
So wish me luck as I cross bridges in the future: both the literal and figurative kind. I am confident that I won't regret the burning of that bridge to provide light for new experiences. Julie E. Smith
Saturday, May 22, 2021
The 3 C's of Stress Relief: Clarity, Calm and Courage
Let's face it...everybody has stress in their life. No matter what your profession, station in life or age...we all have to deal with stressful, complicated circumstances. Things change in our life, but how we learn to cope with stress and weather the changes is so important. It is also different for each and every person.
I am currently dealing with some stressful situations in my life and learning to cope with the situation has produced for me a mantra of sorts to help me keep focused on what is important:Clarity, Calm, Courage. I know that the concept of using mantras for meditation is a traditional Buddhist concept but I think the cross-over to guided Christian prayer is a good connection. Sometimes I don't know how to pray for help, but I know that using this mantra has helped me not only stay focused, but help reduce my stress levels.
And with a history of depression and bi-polar episodes, I know quite a bit about monitoring and helping to diminish my own stress levels. People need to be able to gauge their own body signals and determine when they are getting close to the "tipping point." I like to think I have learned to do this for myself and have established ways to manage stress. Reminds me of one of my favorite Eleanor Roosevelt quotes:
A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water.”
The 3 C's mantra is just the latest technique that I have developed for my arsenal. Sometimes good things come out of pressure and stressful situations. There is a preponderance of information about mantras, meditation and using them to provide clarity and mental well being. I found some information that helps to back up my supposition of the benefits of using mantras. Yet, as you can imagine there is so much information that it would not fit into the limitations of one blog. I picked one of my personal favorites to highlight: Om Shanti.
Om Shanti is perhaps one of the most
well known and accessible mantras used today. So, what does Om Shanti
mean? There’s actually no direct translation for Om Shanti.
That’s because Om isn’t so much as a word as it is a sound, a feeling,
and an energetic resonance.So, what about Shanti? Well, Shanti is a Sanskrit word that means, “Peace.” Together, the phrase: Om Shanti is meant to convey: Universal Peace.The use of mantras is beneficial, so I came up with my own: Clarity, Calm and Courage in helping me brave the stress of recent events. It has helped me immensely.
That first word is so important:CLARITY. So many times a complicated issue just needs time for the dust to settle and solutions can present themselves if given time and quiet speculation. This powerful word of "clarity" first was presented to me by some lovely ladies in my Bible study group. (Thanks Lisa and Nancy) I am so thankful for the clarity and caring that I receive from this group.
The next word is CALM. This is where the concept of deep breathing, relaxation techniques and meditation comes in. My first exposure to learning how to "breath" was in Lamaze classes so many years ago. In through the nose, and slowly out through pursed lips. It helped me in giving birth and still helps me to relax today. With the inhale and exhale it has been beneficial to me to visualize a word to help with the cleansing and relaxation process. I heard in a sermon a few weeks ago about using the word GRACE on the inhale to "take in God's grace" and exhale with "GIVING" your burdens to God. It really is quite healing and relaxing ....you should try it.
COURAGE is what brings you the strength to put one foot in front of the other and face the challenges before you. I am mindful of an inspirational saying prominently displayed on a magnet on my fridge: "Courage does not always roar. sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying. "I will try again tomorrow". (Mary Anne Radmacher) My friend Joan gave it to me several years ago and it truly is an inspiration to me...Thanks Joan!
Yet courage for me also is sharing these thoughts in a blog. Sometimes perhaps it feels a bit self-serving and in some ways that is true. Writing for me is therapy. Yet, I sincerely hope that in sharing these thoughts, someone will feel encouraged and inspired as to help them with the stresses in their life. Just remember....don't forget to breath deeply and things will eventually work out. Perhaps not the way you envisioned, but, This too shall Pass......Use the 3 C's to help you on the Journey.
Julie E. Smith
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
The Joy Of Sex.....I mean the Joy of the "To Do" List .....
Oh, now that I have your attention....there is a wonderful satisfaction from making a list and completing everything on said list. Granted it may not be as great as sex but there is wonderful sense of accomplishment when I successfully complete my list. Admit it...if you saw a title of a blog just about List Making....ho-hum..but Sex always sells. Maybe they should make grocery lists with provocative pictures. That would liven up the trip to the store for a sometimes mundane task.
Nevertheless, I am a strong believer in the power of To Do lists. First and foremost the most obvious advantage is that it organizes your thoughts and helps prioritize what really needs to be done and what can be postponed. Then a list creates a sense of accomplishment when you can cross each task off the list. Even if our list is comprised of tasks that you do every week, it feels like getting a pat on the back when you cross "Clean bathrooms" off the list. And if by some miracle you complete the whole list? Victory!! Throw it out and start the cycle again for next week. I say next week, because I think it is a whole lot easier to do weekly lists. Even though my husband and I are not in the traditional 9 to 5 routine, it became ingrained in my psyche to do the bulk of the household chores and projects on the weekends. Back in the day when I worked 40 hours a week, many things were saved for the weekend...hence the weekend list. Funny how things like that stick with you over time. I probably wouldn't think of vacuuming or cleaning the bathrooms on a day other than Saturday. I know...kinda weird. Sometimes we are creatures of habit. However, I bet I am not the only one who enjoys the functionality and goal setting joys of list making!
Some folks use their phones for lists...Not me, no way...I love the simple joy of taking pen to paper. I have oodles of notepads around the house and I never hesitate to buy more. It is truly amazing that any place you travel, little gift shops have souvenir notepads to help as a remembrance of your journey. How lovely it is to write "Dust Living Room" against the backdrop of the majestic mountains of Glacier National Park. So lovely to remember trips when you use a notepad for routine tasks. I even was given a notepad from Greece from when my Sister-in-Law visited there. Thanks Christy!
A sampling of a few of my favorites |
So an article in Forbes magazine about time management (published 0n 7/20/20 by Kevin Leyes, Forbes Business Council) lists the top 9 ways for efficient time management. While trying not to sound too smug....just guess what was at the top of the list: "Prepare a task list." Here is the excerpt from that article that confirms my assertion and lets me know that I'm not obsessive....just trying to get my life organized. It also has some helpful pointers:
"1. Prepare a task list. Whether daily or weekly, preparing a task list will help you identify all the activities you need to accomplish or situations you need to solve. Every morning before you start the day, go through your list and try to adjust your time for each item. Making this list will make it easier for you to outline the tasks assigned for the day and plan to get them done. Eventually, you can get into the habit of spending a healthy amount of time on work."
I will say that as a writer I have suffered from writers block and perhaps it seems lame, but I am starting to feel all my list making counts as writing. Why not? It allows my mind to focus on tasks that need attending to and many times working on my blogs or ideas for my next book is often on my To Do List. And when it's on my list....by golly it gets done. Finishing this blog was on my list, guess that helped me "Git er done!" (author's note:must be spoken with Texas drawl) Perhaps the book wouldn't be completely done by the end of the list, but work on it would transpire. All Hail the Power of the List!
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Brain Training.......insights into the Art of Self Hypnosis
I was diagnosed several years ago with Bi-Polar Depression; that is much easier to say than "I am Bi-Polar." It may just be a matter of semantics, but to me it feels more like something I deal with on a day to day basis as part of my personality instead of an "affliction". In any case, over the years I have had plenty of experience and therapy for learning techniques for calming my Bi-Polar brain activity. Even if one is not Bi-Polar....let's face it, we all have issues. If we can generate the ability to center ourselves and calm our minds it's very beneficial in this chaotic world we live in.
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Sigmund Freud--1921 |
I am not the master of utilizing hypnosis as taught by Sigmund Freud, the "master" of hypnotic therapy, but I am able to use several of his pioneering techniques. It's interesting that I always thought of Freud as the "Father" of hypnotherapy, but research on the topic reveals that in the latter part of the 18th century Franz Mesmer, a German physician began developing healing techniques based on hypnosis. Then in the late 1880's, Freud was impressed by the therapeutic techniques of hypnosis and their potential use for healing neurotic disorders. Like many techniques, in the light of new knowledge, Freud abandoned the use of hypnosis in 1896 and formulated the use of psychoanalysis.
Just like many techniques for healing and wellness change, our quest today for a healthy mind continues and it's interesting how the tools for achieving nirvana have changed. With the ever-present dependence on our phones and technology...it is no surprise that many apps have surfaced for meditation in our busy lives. An internet search shows that there are at least 15 available apps to be used to facilitate meditation and mindfulness.
When I looked through many of these apps they sound so appealing with exercises generated to produce a sense of calm. Yet, when you get to the "bottom line", a monthly fee (with amazing ranges on amounts!) will be required after your "free trial" period. Well, that does not help me eliminate stress. I think I can learn how to breath and practice free association without adding to the STRESS of having another monthly bill to pay. Yet, among those programs, I did find one that was very intriguing and yes it was free...always. It is called Smiling Mind. I downloaded and have tried it several times. It is a pretty impressive program with all different age groups in mind. It is also includes specialized programs for educators and healthcare workers. I really like it and am encouraged by it...and I don't even have to stress over a monthly bill. Another interesting thing about this app is that you have the choice of a Male or Female voice. I initially choice female...like a friend talking to me. However I may need to change it because she sounds so much like the GPS in my car. I expect her at any minute to say turn left at the end of the road. SIGH...oh, the strange idiosyncrasies of modern technology.
Another technique I have learned for calming and meditation (and in my case usually an aid to sleep) is the use of deep breathing and the use of a one word chant. Using just one word helps your mind funnel down to what is really important. Use one word to INHALE, then another word on the EXHALE. The words that I use, and the simplicity of this simple exercise, came to to me as an inspiration from our Pastor. He recommended to inhale and think of God's Grace, then on the exhale give your worries and pain to God. So for purposes of simplicity, I use Inhale:GRACE, then Exhale: PAIN. It almost always works for me.
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Tai Chi at Sunset |
So no one can deny the strong body/mind connection. Yoga is a perfect example of how this practice can be used not only for physical well being, but to enhance mindfulness through meditation. As an overweight, older woman with bad knees....my Yoga days are pretty much over. Yet I absolutely love the practice of Tai Chi. It helps balance, strength, focus and definitely helps foster a sense of calm. I have taken several classes in recent years, but have yet to find classes since I moved. I'm thinking a DVD of it just wouldn't be the same. My quest for a Tai Chi class continues.
So every individual has differing needs to maintain their mental health and overall well-being. I would be interested to hear my Dear Readers your techniques to wellness. Also, there are so many options out there...do you have a favorite? So don't forget to breath and if at all possible...RELAX.
Saturday, March 6, 2021
An Extrovert Living in an Introverted World
On the spectrum of Extroverted or Introverted I have always been classified as leaning more on the Extroverted side. I remember my Mother telling me that I could strike up a conversation with just about anyone at any given time....and make it a good conversation for both people. It's a gift, or a curse...depending on the circumstance.
Our world has become Introverted, temporarily anyway...due to the infamous Pandemic of 2020. Now the calendar has turned, the vaccinations are rolling out, cases of COVID-19 are decreasing and there appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Yet, sometimes I still can't wrap my head around the concept of not shaking hands, not getting close for conversation and most of all NOT hugging your closest friends and family. As a "people person" and Extrovert, I am really starting to suffer. In the long run, I know I will be OK, but sometimes it feels like an uphill battle.
So in the process of waiting for "herd immunity" to be firmly established I have increased the time spent on solitary tasks and hobbies. I always enjoyed Facebook, but EGAD...I have to confess I have seen way too many cat videos and photos of: "try this new dessert!" I have had enough problems with putting on the pandemic pounds; that does not help. Yet, everyday I still keep scrolling. In small doses it is still a fun pastime when you can't have in person conversations. Of course both of my blogs have had several posts since this all began and I am happy to report I completed by book on the National Park Service. OK...here is my shameless plug on that: available on Amazon: "A Walk in the Park...Journeys through our Nation's Greatest Treasures" . It was a fun book to research and write, and a good book if I do say so myself. (Would an Introvert say that? Hmmmm...) Here''s the link: https://www.amazon.com/Walk-Park-Journeys-Greatest-Treasures/dp/1792837771/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=A+Walk+in+the+Park…Journeys+through+our+Nation%27s+Treasures&qid=1611349971&sr=8-1
I also have started a new quilt, which I am hopeful will be beautiful when complete. But I fear that as soon as my world starts opening up with my social activities, the quilt may be put by the wayside. Perhaps it will become a project for next winter, not a project for the next pandemic...let's hope there will never be another as awful as this.
Either way you perceive yourself, an Introvert or Extrovert....which ever side of the fence you lean, I thought this Clint Eastwood meme was great. Everyone can relate to that and it really brought me a chuckle. If I recall, I think that looks like his film Gran Torino. You can't help but like Clint...a classic.
In any case, there are both Extroverts and Introverts struggling to get through this particular time in our history. So many believe that Introverts are able to handle the isolation of this pandemic better then Extroverts. But a recent study suggests the opposite, according to a Forbes article. The study, conducted by Virginia-based research consultancy, Greater Divide, surveyed 1,000 American adults and found that those who scored higher on the measure of extroversion were less likely to be experiencing mental health issues due to stay-at-home or quarantine measures.
Some experts contribute the surprising results to extroversion being
associated with more positive emotions, optimism and resiliency, while
introversion has been linked to more nervousness and fear. The
uncertainty of this pandemic may be more difficult for introverts.While the study suggests that extroverts may be handling the pandemic
better than expected, it does not mean they are immune to anxiety or
stress from the stay-at-home order. Both personality traits have faced
mental health challenges during the quarantine and are stressed in their
own ways. That being said, it would be good to support each other, no matter what our personality traits may be....
Big changes are coming our way and I am thinking we have much to look forward to. Additionally, the fact that spring is right around the corner always brings folks a sunnier outlook. Start planning those flower beds!😄 Julie E . Smith
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
What a HOT MESS...Health Insurance crisis in America
I have done everything I am supposed to do, but I am still stuck with 100% of the bill. I sent mountains of paperwork, requests for documentations, emails and phone calls and things are STILL pending after 8 months time. I have jumped through hoops, paid my premiums on time but to no avail. I feel like the only one listening anymore at this point is my own blog. So here I am. For what it is worth I need to document everything that has transpired for purposes of clarity in my own mind....if nothing else. Hopefully this can help me somehow find a solution.
I never thought of myself to be an expert on the topic of health insurance, but I have had personal experience...devastating, aggravating experience these past five years to be able to speak first hand on the topic and also knowing that so many people are in true need of better coverage and also better ways of processing claims. Good Lord, there must be a better way.
So to really get a grasp on my incredible frustration, it's good to understand why I have had 4 different insurance companies in the past 5 years. My husband retired about 5 years ago and this affected my coverage because I was previously on his work place insurance plan. So I had to find my own insurance plan that we could afford on his pension and social security. My husband is currently happily using Medicare and has not had any difficulty. I am still too young for Medicare so am struggling to find something workable in the mean time.
Summing it up, I found that you either get great coverage but pay incredibly high premiums (sometimes $750-$800 for individual coverage!), or if you pay lower premiums (at one point I was paying $119.28 per month) it doesn't cover much and you end up basically with "Catastrophic Risk" only. Although sometimes I was able to achieve a lower premium through the Marketplace, sometimes known as the Affordable Care Act. This was all well and good...it was a great way to assure that people could have access to affordable health insurance. In theory it was great, a "premium tax credit" was extended to you on a monthly basis so your monthly premiums were MUCH lower, making it easier to budget from month to month. But when tax time rolled around....Yikes, we had to pay all those credits back to the government. I guess you have to pay it now or pay it later. So that was a punch in the gut that year. Quite a shock to have to pay over $8,000 just in insurance premium credits.
So fast forward to the story of my current medical insurance crisis. With the help of a local insurance broker, I found what I thought would be good, basic coverage at a reasonable cost:$527/monthly. Wisconsin Physicians Service (WPS) was the insurer providing the policy as "short term medical coverage". However when I made a claim for the removal of some endometrial polyps (which were non-cancerous...thank goodness!) they proceeded with a barrage of requests for documentation which ultimately resulted in denial of the claim as a pre-exsisting condition. I have had a uterus all my life, does that make it preexisting?!? I never had problems like this until recently.
I took the time, for my own records as well as accurate documentation of the "drama" with WPS to create a timeline of everything that transpired with the processing of this claim. I started with day one of when I started the policy and began paying premiums. As a policy holder, and a person who paid all her premiums, I documented everything on the processing of this claim. Every phone call, every email, every letter. I was told by more than one person: "Oh, you have done everything you are supposed to do, you just have to wait." It occurred to me however, that I have no way of documenting what did or did not happen at WPS or the hospital records department. I did everything I could possibly do to properly process the claim. Looking at an overview of the timeline, (Which happens to be almost 4 pages long...)makes one realize all the crap I have been through in the last 8 months. Somebody is dropping the ball, and it is not the policy holder. Again, I did everything I was supposed to do and I still get stuck with the bill. Am I supposed to hire an attorney and pay them MORE money on top of all the premiums that have been thrown out the window??! I think NOT.
At this point, to appease the hospital's requirements for adjusting the total to an "uninsured patient", I have applied for state aid. I'm not sure what the future of this claim will be but I am incredibly frustrated because I feel my medical provider is missing the whole point: I was insured at the time of the surgery. Why should I be penalized because the insurance company did not pay a routine claim from a policy holder that paid all her premiums!
I am now dealing with being uninsured, trying to stay healthy and hope to Hell I can stay that way till I turn 65 and can be on Medicare. That is one thing in our country that seems to be working well....Thank you very much Lyndon B. Johnson.
I know there are no easy solutions for the health insurance crisis and escalating pharmaceutical costs that every American has to deal with, and I don't pretend to understand how to "fix" things. Of course there is also the issue of cost containment with medical procedures. There are several reasons that a 20 minute outpatient procedure costs $10,000 but for the life of me I can't figure out why....Yet, just understanding how this affects so many people in very real ways provides a pathway for change. Just writing this blog has been therapeutic for me; it allows me to put things in perspective and also confirms my supposition that Health insurance in America is a HOT MESS.
So I will end this blog the way I began....
I have done everything I am supposed to do, but I am still stuck with 100% of the bill.
Julie E. Smith
Sunday, January 31, 2021
"Aging Gracefully" ?? Not sure I have perfected that yet...
There is a quote from Hunter S. Thompson (the ultimate cool "Hippie", I think ) that proclaims:
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”
I have always loved that quote and perhaps I don't ascribe to it quite literally, but it does paint a pretty good picture of a life philosophy that I can get behind. I really abhor the concept of "slowing down" as we age unless it means literally walking a little slower....I can see that. Yet, if it means doing less and not exploring new things in life, well THAT I don't agree with. Things get "tweaked" along the way, but to me it is such a good feeling to remind myself that just because I am "older" doesn't mean I have to rein in my actions and "act my age". Rather, I have learned from past mistakes and the wisdom that comes from living. For example, the best cure to prevent a hangover is to drink lots of water and aspirin before you hit the hay. Good luck to you if you are too drunk to remember this one, you probably deserve a little pain the next day. Yet, of course age and experience tells us that moderation is the key for maximum enjoyment. That holds true for many things in life other than just alcohol consumption.
It has been said that "Youth is wasted on the Young" There is something to be said for that, because there are things that I was able to do easily as a younger person, that I wish I could do now. That brings me to the "re-inventing" idea. Yes, there are things that we can't do that we did when we were younger, but many doors open up to as life circumstances change.
Betty Friedan, one of my favorite feminist writers, said it well when she reminded us: "Aging is not lost youth, but a new stage of Opportunity and Strength" She had a wonderful way of opening our eyes and bringing clarity to things right before us. That statement on aging brings to me a sense of joy and also a sense of resolve. As life circumstances change, so do new opportunities. A perfect example of that from my life is the start of my writing career. When my husband retired from the corporate working world, I "retired" too and started to embark on my passion of writing. I was too young to retire, but nevertheless was delighted that I could delve into my passions: writing and photography. And I'm not dead yet....but what What A Ride it has been so far!
Sometimes we have to re-invent ourselves through the years with both careers and on a personal level. Change is seldom easy, often quite hard. Yet one's attitude towards change can soften the blow if you view it as an opportunity for growth. Ever been fired from a job that you thought was just perfect for you? I have, and in hindsight it was NOT perfect and getting fired forced me to move on to bigger and yes better things. This is another example of how wisdom that comes with age, and experience, really does make you grow as a person.
Yes, this is a pretty philosophical post, perhaps even a note of encouragement. But young or old at this point we could all use a little encouragement and it might be good advice to Enjoy the Ride! CHEERS! Julie E. Smith
Friday, January 8, 2021
What's My Line??
All my life I have had vivid dreams and I almost always remember them. Sometimes they make sense, but sometimes they are apparently just my brain taking a little "siesta" from the day to day struggles and triumphs. Last night I had a dream that I believe was helping me deal with some of the anxieties of recent events in Washington. Everyone's anxiety at this time is compounded by the situation of dealing with the corona virus, racial tensions and everything else that put 2020 on the history books.
My dream, on the surface, doesn't seem to have anything to do with the storming of our US Capitol and what will become of Donald Trump....but if you dig a little deeper I think it was more profound then meets the eye. It certainly helped ease my anxiety....a bit. So in the dream I was an actress in a Shakespearean play and I was suffering from the worst stage fright: I kept forgetting my lines and when I was supposed to say them. In between acts, the man who was playing the "King" (not sure what play it was...just felt like Shakespeare) pulled me aside and said "Look, don't worry so much...I am really drunk and forgetting my lines too! Smell my breath...You and I both know the story and we know how it ends. We can just Wing It. Just say what you feel like saying and the story will get told."
Interesting premise, but in the dream it gave me a surprising sense of calm. It felt good knowing that by "winging it" we could get the job done in the best manner we could and the play would still be completed. And also completed with alot less anxiety. Yet, in real life we don't know how the story will end. Many people have forgotten their "lines" or they are saying what is perceived as the wrong ones. As a nation, we just hope that the correct decisions will be made to move forward. Many current events will have a profound effect (for the better we hope) on how our government operates.
Yes, the times are troubling and we have to work together to make things better. However, I strongly believe that individuals need to take care of themselves...and their mental health...FIRST, if they are to be successful, fully functioning members of society. I am not advocating apathy, but I do believe sometimes we need to take a step back and let the dust settle before we get too emotionally involved. I think that was what my dream was trying to help me with: coping mechanisms. It has been said before: 10 years from now....what will really stand out as important?
I'm not a therapist, but I do know a thing or two about dealing with anxiety. Listen to your dreams, they may be trying to tell you something. Julie E. Smith
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