Oh, Lord...how do we cope in this world we live in today? Everybody has different coping mechanisms. It's so disheartening to look at the headlines and not be affected by it. The war in Ukraine goes on, the economy stinks, racial relations are not as harmonious as they should be, gun violence is rampant, our politicians seem to be spending more time with accusations and "finger pointing" then solving problems and passing legislation to benefit their constituents......and the list goes on and on. So how does one get the stamina and strength to get out of bed each morning and face the day without dissolving into pessimism and the feeling of overwhelming apathy? Indeed...how do we do it?
Well, how's that for an opener? I didn't mean to start this blog on such a downer, but that is just my viewpoint lately. I've had a lot go wrong in the last year, but I am trying hard to see the things that went RIGHT. I am not a stranger to clinical depression...so I am trying hard to sleigh those dragons as they march towards me. So, I try so hard to find the coping mechanisms that provide for me hope for tomorrow and a way of seeking JOY. I would be happy to hear from others as to how they cope and find ways of carrying on when life has dealt you many blows. Yet, as per usual, I feel that nobody is listening and that in and of itself is a contributing factor for my depression. When my Mom was alive, she was one of the FEW people that read my blog on a regular basis and almost always gave me feedback...both good and bad. She died on Christmas day, 2021. Of course I miss my Mom, just because she was my wonderful Mom, but I also miss the fact that I had her to talk to and to give me encouragement for my writing. So time marches on and I have to learn to cope with the losses in my life. One of my major coping mechanisms is writing.... whether anyone reads it or not. It is therapeutic to me.
I've always thought of myself as a "glass half full" kind of gal... the eternal optimist that always seemed to look for the good aspects of an even not so good situation. I have been accused of being a "Pollyanna" and not looking at reality except through Rose Colored Glasses. Now I defend the goodness that can be brought forth to our world if there were more optimists. What I am struggling with of late, is learning how to bring that optimism back into my own life. The losses that I have experienced in my own life in the last year are not easily overcome, yet I continue to plug away hoping to gain once again the perception of myself as an optimist. It has helped me by learning how to spend my days with other activities helping others instead of focusing on my own sorrows. It reminds me of the quote: Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. (James M. Barrie)
So not only is writing healing to me, but music always has been an important part of my life. Mostly rock, but a good classical piece brings great joy. Vivaldi the Four Seasons was a favorite to play in our home on "spaghetti night". Great memories. On the rock spectrum, I can't help but smile every time I hear Aerosmith's Walk this Way. What a great song with great staying power. It came out when I was in high school.... eons ago, but it still rocks. I would be remiss, if I did not mention the empowerment and joy of being a woman when I listen to Meghan Trainor. What a fun pop singer! Some of her lyrics, however, cause me to pause and wonder. See my blog: Can I like Meghan Trainor and still be a Feminist?
Also, I find solace in my faith. So many Bible verses are there to provide comfort when we need it most. Here are a few of my favorites that help me:
"In the day of trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me." Psalms 86:7
"...Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning. – Psalm 30:5
The last one I will mention brings me comfort in knowing that God is watching out for me even amidst the sorrows as well as the joys. I keep it posted on my bulletin board in my office, where I see it frequently:
"Not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it, And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." Matthew 10:29-31
I want so very much to be an optimist again. I pray that I will learn to find joy and gratitude more easily in my life. I want to appreciate the simple things in life and smile more frequently than crying. I'm getting there. This meme about optimists and pessimists always brings me a smile.....CHEERS!