Saturday, April 30, 2016

Happy Tai Chi Day!

Happy Tai Chi Day everyone! Not exactly a Hallmark holiday, but worthy of note. The last Saturday in April has been designated International Tai Chi Day: a day to practice the art and gain a better understanding of this practice originating with the Chinese. I did my part today by attending my Tai Chi class.  I signed up this spring, my first time, and I really enjoy the class. My instructor, Ken, explained that the day was chosen as an international celebration. Today it is celebrated in more than 80 countries. The day was established in 1999 to also educate more people on the health benefits of Tai Chi and raise awareness of the increasing use of traditional Chinese medicine.
 Even though I am still a novice, I know that it really helps in so many aspects: both physically and emotionally.  It helps my coordination, balance and concentration. It looks easy, but just try coordinating your arms and legs to move in the way they are supposed to move in the correct sequence.  It is really a workout for the brain as well. Yet, in addition to a "work-out" for your brain, at the same time it can bring centering, peace and a great sense of well-being.  The visualization techniques that are used with the physical poses are so beneficial in creating the movements. One of my favorite visualizations is; "the Crane spreads his wings..." I am just a middle-aged, fat white lady.....but that visualization really speaks to me and helps me to feel at least a little more graceful.

Tai Chi is graceful and methodical, but sometimes in class it is evident that it stems from the Martial Arts and several defensive movements can be seen in the routines.
I told my son David that when I am in Tai Chi class, it gives me a whole new appreciation for the Kill Bill movie and makes me want to watch the movie again in slow motion to see the detailed movements.  If you're not familiar with Kill Bill, it is a Quentin Tarantino movie, that like many of his movies, has quite a bit of "stylized" violence. Yes, sometimes I have to shut my eyes...a little too violent for me. However the choreography of the Martial Arts sequences are mesmerizing.  Tai Chi itself is a methodical, centering practice that really helps balance & coordination, but since it stems from the Martial Arts, some of the moves are defensive in nature. So sometimes in class, maybe I am not visualizing the "Crane spreading her wings"...but maybe there is just a bit of Uma Thurman in me...look out Lucy Liu!

Many local park programs have Tai Chi classes available. I found mine at the Mundelein Park

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Scrapbooker's Nirvana

Yes, Nirvana....paradise for a Scrapbooking aficionado: Stamp & Scrapbook Expo. This past weekend I recently attended the expo in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with 3 of my girlfriends.  We had absolutely the BEST time and not only did we have hours to dabble and explore the possibilities of our hobby & craft, but the "girl time" together was priceless.
Perhaps that is one of the reasons scrapbooking and card making/rubber stamping has become so incredibly popular; not only is it oodles of fun but it is also a wonderful activity to share with other women.  Kind of a modern day Quilting Bee. Definitely mostly women I might add. At the show I noticed that an overwhelming amount of the crowd were women.  Any men present were either exhibitors manning the booths or husbands, in tow, looking bedraggled and really not wanting to be there.  The women, on the other hand, were exuberant and thrilled to have all the tools of the trade and new products for their craft all available under one roof.  I knew this type of hobby was big, but I had no idea how "universal" until I went to this Expo. And big it is...the Stamp & Scrapbook Expo. holds expos literally coast to coast. To find one close to you and details on what happens at an expo., here is their web site:
     When I first arrived at the expo., I was like a deer in much to look at, so incredible to take it all it. Also, classes are offered and an abundance of "make and take" projects are readily available.  Since this was my first expo., I did not sign up for classes.  I just wanted to explore what was available. So I basically shopped and shopped and then shopped a little more. How could one shop for hours like that you say?! Well....when I am scrapbook shopping I am thinking of projects in my mind's eye...virtual scrapbooking, shall we say.  At this expo, almost all the retail prices were very discounted: I would say I got some really good deals. I know prices on this stuff, because I have been doing this for over 20 years.  Actually, I was doing scrapbooking before it was "cool" or before they even called it "scrapbooking". I put together an album of my trip to Paris my senior year in HS and I remember saving ticket stubs and menus to put in amongst the photographs.
     The variety of products were amazing. Here is a photo of just a sampling of the items I picked out.  The die-cuts were really detailed and the quality really stood out-not the kind of thing you can just find anywhere. My friends that went with me were focused more on card making, rubber stamps and paper crafting, but nevertheless the techniques used in those crafts overlap with many of the scrapbooking as it turns out, we were all delighted. I am so glad that I went and I would go to another;if and when the opportunity arises. I highly recommend attending an expo for any crafter who pursues scrapping or stamping! A fantastic and joyful Girls Day Out!     Keep Scrapping!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

What on Earth did we do before Facebook?

This is not a slam against Facebook, although maybe it should be. I am a willing participant in the world of Facebook (FB) and usually partake in it on a daily basis.
Yet like most things in life, I feel it can be a mixed blessing and I think it's important to assess how we spend our time. Betty White, a delightful and funny actress, made the comment:
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I didn't know what Facebook was, and now that I do know what it is, I have to say, it sounds like a huge waste of time. Betty White
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I didn't know what Facebook was, and now that I do know what it is, I have to say, it sounds like a huge waste of time. Betty White
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" I didn't know what Facebook was, and now that I do know what it is, I have to say, it sounds like a huge waste of time."  Even though she is from an older generation I have always considered her in touch with what's current and her comment is both funny and eye-opening at the same time.  It can be a waste of time, but like many behaviors that start out fun can lead to addiction if used in excess. Yes, I am using the word "addiction" to drive my point home.  Granted, the seriousness of extensive FB use pales in comparison to alcoholism or drug use, however it's over use can still cause problems and really be an incredible "time suck" taking away a person's more productive use of time. I am not advocating getting rid of FB entirely....if you enjoy it, which I do, by all means spend a little time enjoying funny cat videos and amazing demos of recipes.  I am trying to encourage both myself and others not to get "sucked into" hours of back and forth time on FB.  My message here is to encourage the use of FB as dessert. Perhaps it should be an activity that you do once all your other work is done.  As a writer and blogger, it is much too easy for me to slip "over" to FB and never make it back to the work at hand.

       I was prompted to write this while I am in the midst of reading: Eat that Frog  21 Great ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy.  Great book with many pointers about organizational skills and time management. The title is intriguing and has a way of really getting your attention and helping you to remember the author's point.
Mark Twain once said that if you eat a live frog first thing in the morning, than you'll know it's the worst thing you'll have to do all day.

The Magic in Mentoring

 I really wish I had a mentor. I could use some  technical assistance and at least some moral support on my current project.  I am in the pr...