Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Mad, Mad world of Pharmaceuticals

This has been bugging me for way too long...had to say something. Just take a look at the way pharmaceuticals, specifically commercials, have changed albeit evolved in just the last 10 years. In a short time of casual television viewing, one can see oodles of ads for just about any drug to remedy what ails you.
Everything from high blood pressure, bi-polar disorder, restless legs syndrome, high cholesterol, diabetes, blood clots, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, migraines...just to name a few. Whatever you got, we got a pill for you! And if you don't have it, perhaps you should double check with your doctor to make sure you don't need the latest and the greatest. Now don't get me wrong, I truly believe that there are so many wonderful medications that have been developed in the last century that have extended lives and truly enhanced "quality of life" for many people.  What I'm talking about here is the absolute craziness of not only the volume of advertising for pharmaceuticals but the content of what they are saying.
Sides effects
 Listen carefully to the side effects for some of these drugs...Yikes!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Start @ the Visitor's Center! So much more than brochures.

When traveling to popular attractions, to make the most of your trip, it only makes sense to start at the Visitors Center.  Obviously, it is a great place to start to get your bearings about what you want to see, brochures and if at a National or State Park-trail maps to help you navigate your way. Several people, however, begrudge the whole idea of even stepping foot in the building.  
I remember several family vacations when my sons moaned about having to "make Mom happy" and go to the visitors center. 
Here they are at the Grand Tetons Visitors Center looking tickled pink to be there-they wanted to get out on the trail ASAP.  "Take the picture Mom and let's go!"  That particular center  is filled with beautiful statues, paintings and of course a bounty of information about the natural history of the area.  It's a great place to start your trip....but I would venture to say that a Visitor's Center is so much more than brochures and maps-it can itself be a destination of great interest. This occurred to me recently when I took my Mom to Union Station in Chicago. I decided that since I was in the city, anyway I would take the time to go the Visitors Center and update my collections of brochures and guides, that were at least a decade old. A little research ahead of time revealed 3 different visitors centers in the downtown area. Since I was on foot, I wanted one within walking distance to the train. I chose the Chicago Cultural Center: only 1 mile from Union Station.

An easy walk and some good exercise for me. The decision was made.  When I arrived I was amazed at the grandeur and stoic elegance of the building.  When I found out the background of the building, its amazing that it was originally built as Chicago's first public library in 1897. The detail and craftsmanship with mosaics, polished glass and marble makes it stand out as a real gem of architecture in the city. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is also a protected Chicago landmark. Here is a look at the beauty of the front entrance. Another Visitors Center, showing an alternative style in contrast to the ornate architecture of the Chicago Cultural Center is the Anchorage, Alaska Visitors Center.  Located in the heart of downtown Anchorage, it is easy to spot by the grass growing on the roof and the log-cabin construction in the midst of city buildings and businesses. Reflecting the pioneer spirit and the beauty of the great outdoors it also depicts a quaint image of the "Last Frontier" that Alaska is usually associated with.
It not only provides the usual brochures and travel tips...but is a great photo op of a unique visitors center that could ONLY be found in Alaska! So when you are starting out on a trip, and collecting your brochures, be sure to spend a little time at the visitor's center. You never know what new things or sights you will most assuredly take in. The Visitor's Center....a great place to start.

The Magic in Mentoring

 I really wish I had a mentor. I could use some  technical assistance and at least some moral support on my current project.  I am in the pr...