The simplest routine journey can sometimes bring unexpected delights. One just has to keep their eyes open for sudden, and very often pleasant, changes in the routine.
I have traveled back and forth on Iowa I-80 from Illinois to Des Moines
many times for (dare I say...) about 30 years. My family and I have a tendency to stop at the same places, same foods and same rest stops. There is something to be said about the comfort of routine and knowing what to expect for your accommodations, yet thinking outside the box can sometimes bring new experiences in an otherwise routine journey.
"It has Iowa written all over it" |
On my last trip from Des Moines, after visiting my Mom, my husband & I stopped not too far from Iowa City at a rest stop near Tiffin Iowa. The rest stop was quite nice, as far as rest stops go...and was renovated to reflect a "writing" theme. First on the sidewalk by the entrance is a giant fountain pen. Inside, are stories about famous writers that are in one way or another are affiliated with Iowa. Also included are interesting and famous quotes about writing and living in Iowa-both topics of which I have experienced first hand. Quaint little details I found everywhere including a stone-relief picture of a type-writer (circa 1975) made to look "ancient". Funny how the presentation of an image can give it the essence of an antique!
On the inside of the building is a plaque with the phrase: "It has Iowa written all over it". Funny....pun intended. The Men's & Women's rest rooms are each designated with a collection of giant wooden "printing press" type letters-very cool.
I always get a bit nostalgic on this stretch of I-80 because it's near my alma mater of the University of Iowa. I graduated there with a Journalism degree and was very familiar with the Iowa Writers Workshop program. Although as a student I stuck to my journalistic roots, (and did not participate directly in the Writers Workshop) I was proud to receive my education in writing as the same university that housed the well-known Iowa Writers Workshop. Some people don't realize that many famous writers have connections with the state of Iowa, and some specifically the Iowa Writers Workshop. The workshop was founded in 1936 and was the first such creative writing program offered in the United States. So it is understandable that I feel a sense of pride in my Iowa home. Just from a simple stop at the side of the road.
Adair County, Iowa-Agricultural theme |
Upon returning home to Illinois, a little research revealed that since the early 2000's the Iowa DOT has invested a great deal of money and thought in upgrading at least 16 Interstate rest stops and all of these renovations have been based on a theme reflecting the local history and culture. Wow, I was impressed....makes me want to travel even more throughout Iowa just to see these architectural displays & "mini" museums. The themes span from Lewis & Clark, Grant Wood and a Mississippi River themed building.
Cedar County- Underground Railroad Theme |
The rest stop that I would be most interested in viewing, sparked not only an interest in the beauty of the building, but also the stories behind the mosaics. The building is made to resemble a railroad station and features the history of the Underground Railroad in Iowa. Iowa had
an active role in the abolition movement, especially in Cedar County. In addition to the railroad motif, this rest stop highlights quilting and how it ties in with the Underground Railroad.
Quilting has strong roots in the heart of the Midwest, yet it is also speculated that the symbols used in quilts had an unspoken language for the Underground Railroad. Some dispel this as folklore and not to be considered a viable part of history. Yet, I think it is very intriguing because it has never been either proved or disproved. What it does say it that the power of essential communication does exist even in the heart of a craftsman.
So when traveling along the road, especially in Iowa, take the time to
seek out something new on what for you may be a common journey.
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